Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Barev! Day 1 in Yerevan. We arrived at 6:30AM (no lost baggage, thank God!) and were greeted by Noushig (with a camera in my face), Seda, and Janet. Then we bought fresh barbari and headed to our home for the next two weeks. Gorgeous! The balcony overlooks Ararat! After a much needed cold shower, we headed to the boys' apartment, which Noush calls "Real World Yerevan." We roamed the streets for a bit, visited the med school (oh Jesus, we should be so thankful for our facilities!), ate chicken schwarma on the streetside, and snuck into the pool at the Golden Tulip and had drinks adjacent to the rooftop pool. Now it's time for an afternoon nap! The heat drains you, but you have to love it. And the stereotype was dead on; the girls, all good looking, wear THE cheesiest clothes with THE cheesiest heels. Gotta love it! And one thing to remember, one kiss on the cheek instead of two, and aim left first, not right. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

Mel! I am so happy your blogging! Welcome to my world. I will be reading daily in Bart on my way to work.

Anonymous said...

Mel! I am so happy your blogging! Welcome to my world. I will be reading daily in Bart on my way to work.

Anonymous said...

Are you going to search for Noah's arc on Mt. Ararat ??? This blog is a great idea, keep it going. If I had an i-phone I could read daily on my way to work too...

Anonymous said...

Dude this is a great idea. Do you have interent access where you're staying? We had to go to the internet cafe and it would take 20 minutes to send out an email. Like others said, keep it going.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you Mel! Sounds like you are having fun. We all miss you already! Have a great trip :-)

Unknown said...

I LEVVV IT! im waiting for your next blog.